
René Descartes Meditations Of First Philosophy

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René Descartes was born in 1596 and died in 1650. Throughout his life he studied philosophy, mathematics and science. In philosophy he was greatly known for his work Meditations of First Philosophy, and in Mathematics and science he is known for the Cartesian Coordinate System. Focusing on Meditations of First Philosophy, this book was published in 1641 and is made up of six meditations. These meditations reflect on the existence of man and god, and provided the reasoning behind Descartes thoughts and ideas. Taking a look at the third, fourth, and fifth meditations, it is clear that reason derives its authority from God. The third meditation is titled “Concerning God, That He Exists” and in it Descartes talks about his idea of an infinite …show more content…

This is evident when Descartes says “I acknowledge that it is impossible for God ever to deceive me, for trickery or deception is always indicative of some imperfection. And although the ability to deceive seems to be an indication of cleverness or power, the will to deceive undoubtedly attests to maliciousness or weakness. Accordingly, deception is incompatible with God” (Descartes, 36). After concluding that God is not a deceiver, Descartes then states, “after having taken note of the immense power of God, I cannot deny that many other things have been made by him, or at least could have been made by him” (Descartes, 37). Looking at this quote, it appears that because God created the world and everything in it, he also created the ability for man to think, because we are thinking things. This shows that our ability of reason derives its power from God. This power granted to man by God can also be seen when Descartes says “I cannot complain that the will of free choice I have received from God is insufficiently ample or perfect, since I experience that it is limited by no boundaries whatever” (Descartes, 38). The will of free choice received from God allows for man to be able to think of endless things. Finally, the fifth meditation is entitled “Concerning the Essence of Material …show more content…

Descartes wrote “But once I perceive that there is God, and also understand at the same time that everything else depends on him, and that he is not a deceiver, I then concluded that everything that I clearly and distinctly perceive is necessarily true” (Descartes, 46). In this quote it is clear that Descartes is saying that since that everything depends on God, he has created everything. And due to him creating everything he has given us the power of reason. One can also argue that since God is a perfect being, and man is imperfect, an imperfect being does not have the power to make up an idea about an infinite substance. Therefore, when God created man, he put the idea of himself in the minds of what he had created. Thus concluding that God is the source of our understandings of the world and of

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