
René Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy

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René Descartes was a 17th century French philosopher. Descartes is responsible for many of the pieces that most modern universities study. His work has withstood the test of time, and for good reason. One of his earlier pieces, titled the “Meditations on First Philosophy”, Descartes fights with solving what is true. He wants to know more about himself and what makes him who he is. Through his senses, he is able to help solves some of his arguments, but later determines that his senses can indeed deceive him at times. His senses also do not help him solve some of the more daunting ideas. Throughout the Meditations, Descartes longs to prove the existence of God for himself. The existence of God validates his arguments and beliefs. His primary goal is to prove what really exists and what is true knowledge all of the time. Throughout the third Meditation, Descartes brings god into his discussions to help prove some of his thoughts and …show more content…

This is the ontological argument; it shows how god exists in reality. Descartes states “For I am not free to think of God without existence, that is, a supremely perfect being without a supreme perfection, as I am to imagine a horse with or without wings” (44). What René is trying say here is with God being perfect by definition he cannot have any imperfections. With that being said, God would have to then exist in reality. The all-perfect being exists as the only cause for the perfection found in the idea of God. Descartes is able to determine that God is not a deceiver; because of the definition of perfection, it would not be possible. He also ponders with the idea that he may be controlled by an evil genius, but this idea is also not possible. Descartes proves that God does exist, making the evil genius impossible. Descartes exposed the truth by showing that god exists in reality and proving that he is not controlled by an evil

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