
Rene Descartes Causal Argument

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The idea of God existence has always been a part the history of human. There are always been a different point of view between those who believe in God and those who do not believe in God existence. A French Philosopher, mathematician, and writer Rene Descartes was the one who clarify the dilemma of the existence of God after he doubts everything. In fact, those who have faith in God obviously tend to adhere at one religion. However, the skeptics try to search the answers of God existence through scientific methods. Rene Descartes after doubting everything, he definitely believes of the existence of God. As to proof God existence, Descartes develop several essential arguments which are causal and ontological arguments. The logic of Descartes’ …show more content…

As illustration of causal argument, Rene Descartes Persuade us about god's existence by using the cogito as a background to confirm his existence, and since Descartes is not perfect in every way, he cannot have caused himself. So, his Parents must have caused his existence, and no matter who his parents are, we must ask what caused his parents to exist. The only answer of these successive causes must obviously end with the exactly response it is the self-caused being, perfect being, eternal, or God. Descartes think that every cause automatically must provide an effect. Therefore, by developing the principle of clear and distinct perception, Descartes convinces us that God is the leader of our clear and distinct perception. This is the reason why he believes that the world cannot be self-caused, and the unique person who can cause that is God. Consequence, God is perfect and definitely …show more content…

But why he did not transmit his perfection to his creation? The reason of this question is because we (human) do not understand how a perfect being can create an imperfect being. God, the perfect being create humans who always tend to make mistakes despite the fact that Descartes says God created humans without faculty of making mistakes. The philosopher Descartes clarifies this confusion by stating that every mistake is an error of judgment. Consequently, it should be assign to the will that judges, and human’s error is not the fault of God. He claims that human’s errors are mere defect since human being has no infinite faculty of judgment. So, the extension of the will boundaries than human understanding is the effective origin of human’s errors. This is probably the reason why Descartes states in Meditation Four, page 85 that the desire extends further than the intelligence of humans. Base on the explanation above, humans are capable of making mistakes.
Descartes develop several essential arguments which are design, causal and ontological arguments and base on Descartes demonstration, we can clearly state that causal argument as demonstrate above is more objective than others. There is a perfect being who is God. This is obviously the proof of the existence of God. And the perfection of God has nothing to do with human error because the error of human is the extension of

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