
Rent For Own Home Ownership

Decent Essays

Rent-To-Own Home Ownership
The desire to own a home in America is very common. As a matter of fact, there is no American Dream without home ownership. Years ago, an economic crisis swept the nation leaving many homeless, jobless, and flat out broke. Many Americans as well as businesses were victims to this crisis. Fortunately, the market has started to recover and regain structure and many have been able to get back to into the home buying market. Millions of jobs are being created and small businesses are beginning to see profits as well. Overall, the economy is in much better shape. There are many programs available to help Americans rent, lease and even own homes. “Rent-to-Own” has become a great option for people that want to get back …show more content…

As a home owner, you are responsible for pretty much everything; not just a payment at the first of the month. Many new homeowners are shocked to know that there are other things that will cost associated with owning a home such as yard maintenance, malfunctions with heating and air conditioning, and other expenses that are necessary for the upkeep of the home. This is one way that home ownership can offer hands on experience for a renter that will prepare them for the “real thing”. Another great benefit of “rent-to-own” is that, this gives potential buyers an opportunity to get a home without having a great credit score. As stated before, many Americans were affected by the economic crisis that hit America years ago. This not only affected the sale of homes, this affected people’s financial stability. Thus, credit scores of many Americans were gravely affected. Many suffered bankruptcies, maxed out credit cards, failed businesses, etc. Fortunately, the “rent-to-own” option has made it possible for people to get a home even if they were affected. As a matter of fact, while you are in the process of renting a home, you can work on rebuilding your credit. This is what makes this benefit so great. However, this only applies to renters that are financially stable enough to go through this process. For example, if your rent, utilities, food, household

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