
Report And Recommendations For MCB

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With the help of conclusions described in the last chapter, recommendations are developed and designed to present personal and independent point of view for the betterment and development of the organization. Recommendations are integral part of report and become imperative for internship report. Findings and Recommendations for MCB are as follows which will help the reader to understand all the aspects of the bank.
1. MCB should establish effective training and development process for its employees. Regular Training programs should be organized for new and existing employees in order to keep them trained and up dated so that they can meet the demanding requirements of frequently changing environment.
2. Communication between departments, branches …show more content…

The effective control of cost of funds and operating and administrative expenses has resulted in continuously growing trend in profit margin. Both the slightly increasing in total assets turnover trend and highly growing trend in profit margin trend has resulted in continuously improving ROA (Return on Assets). The broadening of equity base and high retention ratio has resulted in growing trend in owner equity. The bank average collection period has dropped which shows the efficiency of the bank.
All this remark less performance of MCB has earned it many awards like “The Best Bank of Pakistan” award consecutively for two years; 2008 and 2009. The award was given by “Euro Money” a leading international publication.
However, there are some weak areas, which require proper attention. First is the continuous increase in absolute amount of operating expenses. Secondly, another component of income statement, which requires proper consideration, is the expenses of bad debts and provisions for nonperforming loans (NPL). Because of creation of no fresh provision for no-performing loans and diminution in the value of investment thought the directly written off bad debt expenses is the highest in this

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