
Republican Party Beliefs

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The Republican Party The Republican Party is one of the two most powerful political parties in the United States of America. Directed by their own beliefs and goals, Republican ideologies differ than that of Democrats. Deemed the animal emblem of an elephant, and often called by its nickname “Grand Old Party”, this party helps in maintaining balance within the government. The Republican Party is the result of anti-slavery. It was because of the contradiction between the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Missouri Compromise, as well as the growing opposition towards slavery, which resulted in establishing the Republican Party in 1854. The party gained favor throughout the North and in 1860, for the first time, elected into Presidency …show more content…

Republicans follow the philosophy of a limited government, making them conservative in their beliefs, and believe in the practice of maintaining and avoiding change within the government. Goals are important within a party because it gives the party a purpose while reminding the them of their obligations to the nation and its people. Republicans have many goals that they try to meet such as limiting abortion, gun control, and immigration; decreasing taxes; supporting small businesses, the death penalty, and traditional marriage; improving the education system, the economy and its budget, health care; as well as strengthening our nation's security. Sometimes, Republicans and Christians have some correlation. A few of the party’s goals match the teachings of the scriptures such as that written about the opposition towards same-sex marriage and abortions in Leviticus 18:22, and Exodus 20:13 or Psalm 127:3. In addition, in Genesis 9:6, God supports the death penalty. The Republican Party believes their ideologies make way for a better nation for its

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