
Research Paper On Al Qaeda

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Al- Qaeda Profile Al-Qaeda and its leaders, Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri are frequently popular world news subjects. (Piszkiewicz, 2003, p. iii) The world seems to want to be constantly aware of the goings on of these people and their organization. There is no secret to the desired need for this information. As most people know Al-Qaeda is a significant and ongoing threat to the world, with regard to terrorist activities and continued fundamentalist extremism with regard to jihad, or what these extremists see as a holy war against the rest of the world, but mostly the Western world. This work will begin with a short introduction to the threat that Al-Qaeda poses to the world as a way to develop a full profile of the organization, …show more content…

In fact according to Schanzer and Ross the scattered decentralized manner in which Al-Qaeda now operates is even more elusive than it was when they were an organized and centralized organization. Al-Qaeda, can now simply provide a small sum of money to any interested party who promises to attack in its name and they will be assured of an attempt at some act of terror. (2005, p. 22) In short Al-Qaeda has become not only a prominent actor in terrorism but it can be seen as a grass roots umbrella organization for fighting the supposed holy war. This threat leaves life and property at risk, as well as the minds of millions who could find favor in their extremist ideologies. The threat is invasive and evasive, worldwide and the technology as well as skill utilized by terrorists, including those affiliated with Al-Qaeda continues to increase, as does the technology they use to communicate and the many illegal ways in which they obtain funding and support. The Al-Qaeda of yesterday may be history, but the ideologies and the strengths of the organization are not. Osama Bin-Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri as well as the subsequent “leaders” will continue to be seen by many as heroes of a cause for universal social and

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