
Research Paper On Birth Control

Decent Essays

Even though we should tell our parents that we are on birth control or getting condoms because there could be many repercussions, we still should have the right to make our own choice on the matter or purchase them without parent consent. Being able to utilize birth control or purchase condoms without parental consent will reduce teen pregnancies, increase safety from diseases, and it could potentially help regulate menstrual cycles and hormones.
Over 560 young women are at the risk of becoming a teen mother a year. Nearly 750,000 American teenagers become pregnant each year. These can be trying times for a young lady who is just starting to come into her own as a woman and as a citizen in society. Teen pregnancies can cause many complications …show more content…

Teenage females would have to go through a series of evaluations that include, like a review of her medical history, a pelvic exam, an explanation of the risks and benefits of different types of birth control. For instance, Depo-Provera generally isn't recommended for young teens because it may affect bone mass. Hormone in Depo-Provera is absorbed from the muscle of the buttock or upper outer arm. Hormones enters the bloodstream Hormones travels through the bloodstream until it reaches the uterus, Hormones changes lining of the uterus so that pregnancy cannot occur. Hormones also travel to the pituitary gland. This prevents the release of LH and FSH hormones with the pituitary gland. Without LH and FSH, growth of egg and ovulation will not occur . Without ovulation, a woman or young teen becomes pregnant. There are also emergency means of birth control as well. For example, Plan B One-Step is available over-the-counter without a prescription. Next Choice One Dose is …show more content…

They are made of materials that do not allow HIV and sexually transmitted infections to pass through them. HIV is transmitted through contact with fluids that contain HIV, including semen, vaginal fluids and rectal fluids. An sexually transmitted infection is an infection passed from one person to another person through sexually contact. This infection is when a bacteria, virus, or parasite enters and grows in or on your body. Wearing condoms are the main way to prevent these infections. Male and female condoms both provide the same protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Male condoms are also known as the external condom.The female condom is known as the internal or insertive condom. However, male and female condoms should not be used at the same time during sexual intercourse. When using condoms make sure you use them in the correct way. When purchasing condoms make sure that you keep them out of direct sunlight. Be sure to check the expiration date on the wrapper or box and open the package carefully. Teeth and fingernails can rip the condom. Regular and the correct use of condoms reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), sexually transmitted infections (STI), human papillomavirus (HPV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Condoms act as a barrier to the STDs that are found in bodily fluids like semen, vaginal fluids,

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