
Research Paper On Bourgeoisie

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The bourgeoisie dominated over many parts of society and karl marx and friedrich engels were equally very worried about this and began to addressed these issues, in the communist manifesto and they also felt the need to include how workers were being forced to have to work in such horrible condition also seeing how their working conditions would affect the workers. Karl marx as some kind of show and how between them people who were oppressed were standing up and fighting the people who were oppressing them. It was mostly based on how the bourgeoisie had almost full control over the proletariats people's lives.him seeing how the work that most of the work the proletariats work they would do would only just pay off the bourgeoisie with all …show more content…

They would come into being when the social class was falling apart split of labor was falling apart as well. coming back up from multiple forms of industry like roads and railways.the bourgeoisie was produced. As the proletariat were the modern working class who doesn't even have the means of production and hey would have to sell what they had created so that they can created a living. Made up of all forms of classes in our society, the proletariat was made through struggle struggling to make the middle class alive as they fight the bourgeoisie the proletariat was first started it was originally on there own workers, like how shopkeepers and store owners who stood up against the bourgeoisie. After the group started to form but they were not successful in defeating the bourgeoisie just because the groups were not attached directly attacked by them. There were even sometimes were the groups were influenced from the bourgeois rather than fighting to keep the middle class live on they were being helped by the bourgeoisie and their cause and because of this I think it starts to show the real side and power of the bourgeoisie and what they had over the proletarians. A Lot of the bourgeoisie was taking advantage of what ever rank the proletarians were holding and they knew that the …show more content…

it was explaining the story that marx saw that the oppressing the proletariats and what they stated in the first chapters that's what I agree about of what i think marx was writing for example “ the bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer the priest the poet, the man of science into its paid wage laborers.” this helps back up the idea that form the work that all of the proletarians did. But only the bourgeoisie were getting anything from it. And that was what was showing how the bourgeoisie were being controlled almost all of the proletariat

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