
Research Paper On Dentistry

Decent Essays

Years before I lost the augur of the universe, I sent a Na'ahn from Infiyond to visit a dentist on

Earth. Many humans will certainly be shocked by this for Na'ahns are not common in your land.

Incredulity may soon be put to rest for the dentist was in the same amount of doubt. Aside from

the fact that I sent a Na'ahn to Earth in the first place, that he did not look like a traditional

member of his species added to the dentist's confusion. He ambled around, a tall, marten-like

creature with velvety skin rather than fur. He walked on his hind legs, which were bowed

awkwardly out. Unlike most other Na'ahns, his eyes would glow a lavender color, but only when

it was pitch black. This was Cronon Yudan, the mastermind behind …show more content…

You will not hear any more from me for a very long time. I leave the telling of

Cronon's accomplishments to the dentist.

People know me as Sakara Piuta, a rough'n'tumble woman with a heart for the military.

However, my own dreams and desires cannot be fulfilled. I am from one of the poorest classes

and this leaves me with few employment opportunities. Dentistry was my choice; rather, the

teaching of dental hygiene. Now, normally this job of mine is far less than exciting as no one

these days cares about dental hygiene, being the 40th century, blasted medical technology. My

life has been far more interesting since I first met Cronon, and I have been able to fulfill my

desires to join a militaristic occupation even though the castes do not approve of such a thing.

It was a few years ago when my life was radically changed. I was taking my usual lunch

break, exactly at 1231. I find that eating at an "odd" time like that helps with my digestion. I

walked out to the foyer like I normally do every day. No one was around and there were some

gazers that I needed to catch up on, my favorite being The Authoritative Alien Army Almanac. I

sat down next to the table and picked up the gazer just to skim quickly over it in case there …show more content…

I think that it's just a bunch of garbage. We were meant to eat real food, not

slurp down a tasteless potion. They all drink their meal in twenty seconds or less and go on

with their day. It's such a waste of time, not spending a meal with another person just to talk.

People from as late as the 32nd century would be appalled by us.

I was eating and scanning through the displays of my reading choice when a Na'ahn walked in

through the front door of the office. I snapped my head up when I heard the grinding of the

gears of the door, something that needs WD-400, and saw him. Na'ahns are very important

aliens throughout the universe, being renowned for their lawyering skills. They are incredibly

respected and have immensely improved the living conditions of the known galaxy. They

developed a system that would create maximum efficiency in the hearing and judgment of

various cases. They rarely come to Earth, though. Old prejudices against lawyers are still

strongly seated in most people's minds. But that's the problem of other people on Earth,

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