
Research Paper On John Locke's Philosophies

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John Locke was a philosopher who once said “A child is a blank state that is formed only through experience”. This philosophy is correct because everyone in the world is different and they all have experienced things in different ways whether it be good or bad. Many believe that people are not born inherently evil, and that one must experience terrible things to become a psychopath or serial killer. If someone was to be brought up with no problems in their household and never really had to deal with anything bad they will likely be a nicer and happier person. On the other hand someone who has gone through constant abuse through their childhood and early adulthood is most likely going to have issues in life. People are not born with ideas …show more content…

Also when everyone he saw just screamed and ran he got upset at the people and experienced anger. All he wanted was to have a family like the ones he observed from the barn, and when he was accepted by the blind man and then rejected when his family came back he got extremely angry. “In the wake of this rejection, the monster swears to revenge himself against all human beings, his creator in particular. Journeying for months out of sight of others, he makes his way toward Geneva. On the way, he spots a young girl, seemingly alone; the girl slips into a stream and appears to be on the verge of drowning. When the monster rescues the girl from the water, the man accompanying her, suspecting him of having attacked her, shoots him.” by these experiences the monster came to hate humanity and set out for revenge because he only knew the bad side of humans. This goes along with the psychology of john locke because it shows that the monster is molded through hate and anger so he becomes evil not through inheritance but by experience.

This philosophy is accurate because even psychology experiments have proved that a child is a blank state that is formed only through experience. Frankenstein's monster experienced this first hand because the only thing he knew was hate so he killed people

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