
Research Paper On Managed Services

Decent Essays

What is Managed Services and Are They Right for My Company?
So, what IS managed services?
Simply put, managed services allow a business to outsource certain operations to a service provider. The Managed Service Provider or MSP assumes responsibility for an agreed upon set of services. Managed services can drive positive organizational change through cost savings, access to best-in-class professionals & methodologies, strategic level planning and ultimately, better decision making.
IT is one of the most commonly outsourced operations due to the array of complex challenges that fall under the IT umbrella. Having an experienced and diverse team of in-house IT experts on staff that is qualified to handle a range of scenarios is not practical …show more content…

Repair costs at any time of the day or night get VERY expensive, very quickly.
If your company is experiencing too much downtime or if you find yourself saying “We don’t need a repair guy or company, we need for problems to not happen in the first place!”, then you need a proactive IT approach.
Instead of waiting for the next thing to happen a proactive-minded managed service provider will diagnose WHAT went wrong and WHY it went wrong to keep it from happening again. They’ll get to know your systems & processes and identify problems areas as well as opportunities.
Have you thought about how much you could reduce support or repair costs if the problems were tackled BEFORE they ever impacted your business? That’s the job of the proactive IT MSP.
Your technology isn’t keeping pace with the growth of your organization. As your company grows, your technology should be an asset, not a burden. Maybe your IT guy is fantastic, but he has his hands full juggling day-to-day issues. As your company grows, so will the demands on your systems and technology and someone with a strategic mindset and the right expertise should be assessing your future needs and how to leverage technology.
This links back to proactive IT. A proactive managed service provider works as a strategic partner, ensuring that you have the systems you need in place to enhance future functionality,

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