
Residential Schools And The Effect On The Development Of The Individuals Who Attended The Schools

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This paper is focusing on Residential Schools and the effect they had on the development of the individuals who attended the schools. The thought behind the Residential Schools was that, “Residential schools were the institutions, in operation from the 19th century to the late 20th century, which Indigenous children in Canada were forced to attend” (Ross, Dion, Cantinotti, Collin-Vézina, & Paquette, 2015, p. 184). Residential Schools have caused intergenerational hardship and trauma to Indigenous People’s that has affected their well-being and development. Being First Nations myself and having family members who suffered the Residential Schools, I have seen the effects on our people. Residential Schools had negative impacts on the individuals who attended these schools by removing them from their communities and placing the children in these schools, the effects of the Residential Schools still impact some of the survivors to this day. It needs to be remembered that these, children did not choose to attend these schools, they were forced into attending. Those who are different tend to stand out. As Ranzjin (2010) explained “… exclusion occur[s] when people are systematically excluded from meaningful participation in… social, political, cultural and other forms of human activity” (p. 718).
Why did people attend Residential Schools?
Children were forced to attend the Residential Schools, and parents reluctantly had to send their children, who were then stripped of their

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