
Retirement Transition

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction: By a show of hands how many of you know the dollar amount you need to retire? Most of you want to retire financially comfortable, but have no idea what it will take to make your financial retirement a reality. Therefore, some people are saving on their own or using an institutional savings program. Furthermore, with the life expectancy rate increasing, people are living longer, therefore it is important you make sure you’re planning accordingly for your retirement. Additionally, “according to the National Retirement Risk Index (NRRI), published by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, and the Retirement Readiness Rating, published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) conducted in April 2014. These studies suggest that 43% to 52% of Americans won't be able to maintain their pre-retirement standards of living during retirement.” …show more content…

I. The first step to preparing for retirement is identify your retirement goals realistically, by writing down specifically what you would like to do when you retire. A. You might want to travel the country or

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