
Review Of Emilie Buchwald's Transforming A Rape Culture

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Each year 293,000 people are victims of sexual assaults and every one hundred and seven seconds, another American is sexually assaulted, according to Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Their policy department works to enhance the criminal justice system to guarantee more rapists are brought to justice, and the victims of sexual assault receive the justice they deserve. Rape Culture, a societal acceptance of rape normalcy, is the topic of Emilie Buchwald’s book, Transforming a Rape Culture which influenced many people.
Rape Culture is when society normalizes rape, supports it and claims that it is okay. Rape culture was created by American feminists around the 1970’s (“Rape Culture”). According to Transforming a Rape Culture, Rape culture is “ a complex of beliefs that encourages male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. It is a society where violence is seen as sexy and sexually as violent. A rape culture condones physical and emotional terrorism against women as the norm” (Buchwald, Emilie, Pamela R. …show more content…

Victim blaming is when the victim of the sexual assault is told it was their fault, such as “she was asking for it” or “what were you wearing”. It is very common for the victims of rape to be blamed for provoking the assault (“Rape Culture”). When people keep blaming the victims of rape, the less likely it is for people to report what happened to them. Rape culture is becoming more popular in social media and other popular news media (Madden, Katie). In society and social media. things are tolerated such as sexually explicit jokes, sexual harassment, and rape memes (“Rape Culture”). More examples of a rape culture are making sexual assault seem less important, tolerance of sexual violence, not taking accusations of rape seriously, and teaching women how to not get raped instead of teaching men not to rape (“Rape

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