
Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln 's Speech

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On March 4, 1865 Abraham Lincoln addressed the American populous for a second time, in what was known as his second inaugural address, marking his second term in presidency, and his second address attending to a divided and strained nation. As the Civil War marched closer to resolution the American populous wished for someone or something to blame: A target to vent the pains of the nation’s conflict, yet instead of condemnation of either side Lincoln offered the concept of inclusion: neither wished for and was responsible for the war, ergo both were liable for restoring it together, united as one nation instead of two. Throughout the speech Lincoln’s use of rhetorical strategies contribute to form his overall purpose of unification- that everyone is responsible for mending splintered country, and thus they must move on, together. Lincoln begins the second paragraph by stating, “All dreaded it, all sought to avoid it…but one of them would rather make war rather than let the nation survive and the other would accept war rather than let it perish” By stating that both sides despised and feared the war, yet neither did anything to stop it Lincoln is simultaneously removing blame from both sides and stating both are obligated to help mend the broken nation; He paints the bloodshed as something that was unavoidable to begin with despite both sides best intentions, like when he states “…and the war came.” The aforementioned concept of making the war appear unstoppable despite

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