
Rhetorical Analysis Of Clinton's Speech

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Aristotle wrote that we can be persuaded by three things: reason (logos), the character of the speaker (ethos), and our own emotions (pathos).
Thomans & Wareing (1999) in their paper on political rhetoric studied this connection and suggested that perhaps the most proficient way for a politician to claim popular vote and thus, the needed license for application of their policies is to create an ideology and to have the public to willingly accept it as their own.
In this address Clinton uses a combination of all three to try to convince people of her being the right candidate for the job. Clinton’s rhetoric depends largely on the fact of her being relatable in comparison to the millionaire Trump who makes up the much envied American and criticized elite.
Initially in this speech Hillary begins by expressing gratitude to all those who have helped further her campaign. The Stanford dictionary of philosophy describes it as …show more content…

Continuing in her speech Hillary acknowledges the support of Bernie’s crowd and praises Bernie as a sagacious legislator and public servant. This is done to draw in the fragments of population who previously voted for Bernie sanders; to show that the missions of Bernie and Hillary are in actuality united.
She expresses herself as optimistic and cheerful, upbeat and full of energy ready to face any new challenge and thus connected with the younger generations due to her “youthfulness”
Trying to show her election similar to historic decisions of the past, that took place in Philadelphia about two hundred years ago Hillary tries to convince the masses that voting for her is indeed historic and also similar to toppling unjust rule and hostile authorities. Hillary uses allusion to the sacrifices of the initial American settlers, many of whom were working class

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