
Rhetorical Analysis Of Toyota

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Being in a spiralling economy, the automobile industry must step up their games to produce attractive advertisements. Creativity is crucial to attract potential buyers and gain more sales. To target specific prospects through ads, the automobile industry usually apply rhetoric concepts to enhance their product’s appeal in every way, and not just purely on the automobile designs. As men are the main target audience, car ads are usually being advertised as appealing and dangerous. Nevertheless, there are other important aspects to be highlighted as well, which can be perfectly marketed with certain rhetoric aspects. Although automobile ads always target the male audience, the industry also understands how partners or family can influence in purchase …show more content…

Toyota reminds the audience to always pay close attention to their surroundings and the system effectiveness is dependent on many factors, which shows that it has its limitations. From this perspective, some may argue on how it is quiet contradict to their effort to show the effectiveness of the brake in unexpected situation, as the reliability has its limitations. Therefore, it can be said that Toyota cars can be used by everyone and everywhere, however, the attitude of the driver is still very important. Looking at how the commercial emphasize on the calmness and the family being the passengers, for instance, the mother looking back to check out on the son after the near – death experience or the pre – collision, Toyota is trying to show how important it is to take safety measure seriously as the driver is responsible over the life of others passengers. The emotional aspect from this scenario might not be magnified into a tensely or panicking mode, yet subtly leaves an impact to the audience to always care about other people in the car and the external surrounding. Toyota is proving that their vehicle is safe for family use, and while they will keep manufacturing better designs and systems for their users, the driving attitude is important too. The ad does not show reckless driving of any sort, to prove that even when we drive at a slow pace, accidents can still happen and can be caused by external factors. Therefore, with a good driving attitude and Toyota vehicles, the risk can be

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