
Rhetorical Analysis To Kill A Mockingbird

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Kennedy Tran 5th Period To Kill A Mockingbird Rhetorical Analysis Essay 18 Dec 2017 Tom Robinson vs. The World “How would it feel to be convicted for a crime that wasn’t committed just because of skin color?” This is what exactly happens in Harper Lee’s book “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Tom Robinson was charged guilty for rape and assault of Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch went against Mr.Gilmer to defend Tom’s innocence. It was almost impossible to convince a white jury’s opinion towards Tom because of his color. Both Atticus and Mr.Gilmer both used Logos, Ethos and Pathos, rhetorical concepts in their arguments.Even though Mr.Gilmer had won the case, Atticus’s was more effective in terms of strengths and weaknesses shown. Mr.Gilmer standpoint on this case was that Tom Robinson was guilty. He had very good uses of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. Mr.Gilmer claimed that Tom had beaten Mayella because of his bad record and background of being involved with the police for disorderly conduct. In the book it states that “Tom was twenty-five years of age; he was married with three children; he had been in trouble with the law before; he once received thirty-days for disorderly conduct (Lee 190). This shows Logos because it states evidence that Tom had gotten in trouble with the law before, so maybe he has the audacity to even beat or rape Mayella and take advantage of her. This also shows Ethos because it shows unacceptable behavior from Tom, so who knows what he could have done to Mayella.

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