
Rhetorical Devices In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

What would writing be like without any rhetorical devices? Would author/narrators just write straight to the point? Would there be a hook? Would people still read as much as they do now? Rhetorical devices are used to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading him or her towards the topic the author is trying to make. In Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK)‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’, where he was imprisoned as a participant in nonviolent demonstrations against segregation, MLK wrote a letter in response to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the south. In the letter, he used rhetorical devices to persuade the eight white religious men why the black community cannot wait for change to occur, as well as address any other concerns that were addressed in the public statement. Martin Luther King Jr used many rhetorical devices in this work. Some identified are flashback;to give a brief example from his own experience, ethos; to show the people this issue is not something that he experience from the outside but he too have gone through it himself, logos; by applying to the reader’s sense of reasoning, pathos; the audience emotionally side, exposition; to …show more content…

But for some strange reason, he chose to respond to these eight white men. In paragraph 1 the narrator used the rhetorical device ambiguity. Ambiguity is a word or phases having multiple meaning either intentional or unintentional. He used ambiguity in the very first few words of the letter which states “While confined….”, paragraph 1. The word confined is ambiguity because it can have multiple meaning. It can mean confined by racism, meaning racism holds him down; restricted by what he can do or it can mean that he is locked up in his cell meaning prison. This has a connotation meaning or a denotation

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