
Rita Louis-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Rita Louis was floating at the oil shop waiting for the spaceship to come when her best friend Shelby Kenny came towards her with two crater cookies. “You know… Ms.Chelsey said you can take one other person to go with you on the trip right?” Shelby playfully said. “Yeah I know but it’s so hard to choose between you or Bret,” said Rita. “Don’t sweat it, it’s okay if I don’t go, I just want you to have fun,” smiled Shelby. “Thanks, shelbs!” said Rita as their tentacles hug. After the ship rolled up and float them to school. As the days go by, Rita couldn’t stop thinking about the trip. She was stressing about if she was going to get pick, and if she does, who will she pick to go with her?! She was a wreck all morning. Later her boyfriend, Bret Surge, came up to her locker before 6th hour. Hey sweetie, have you decide who you’re going to pick yet?” Bret said. “No, I just need more time to think about it’’ said Rita. “Alright,I hope it’s me, but I’ll see you later bye!” Bret said as he looks into her 3 round eyes and kisses her on her tail. Rita smiled and watch him walk to class.When the minute rock bang on the speakers, she ran to her 6th hour, food discovery. …show more content…

Chelsey walks in every day with a welcoming hair clap and greeted the class. “As you all have known, I was hosting a contest to see who was the special alien that gets to go with me and a friend to the Milky Way to learn about how we get our foods and get to sample all the products. I had a hard time picking, but the person that gets to go is….” Ms. Chelsey paused for the suspense “…..Rita Louis!” Rita couldn’t believe it.She twisted out of her seat and flew to give Ms. Chelsey a hug as the class was jumping for her. “Thank you, thank you!” said Rita. “Now you have to tell me who you’re bringing to the trip by tomorrow, okay?” said Ms.Chelsey. “Okay,” Rita said as the smile slowly sinks in her

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