
Robert Fulton: Creating The Steamboat

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Ralph Waldo Emerson said once: “When it’s errands are noble and adequate, a steamboat bridging the Atlantic between Old and New England and arriving at its ports with the punctuality of a planet, is a step of man into harmony with nature.” Steamboats were essential to moving goods quickly without delay and people efficiently, which changed the face of the Earth. It changed the entire world with how fast it moved and it’s machinery and created a better way to travel over oceans. Robert Fulton is credited with creating the steamboat however, he only created the first functional and commercially successful steamboat. Born in Pennsylvania on November 14th, 1765, he spent lots of time in Lancaster, a hub of intellectual people and technology. After inventing the first submarine, he attempted multiple times to attack British naval ships with them. The French employed him for his experimental boats as they were in a war with Britain at the time, but after seeing that his boats were unsuccessful, they essentially fire him. The British sent an agent to recruit Fulton to create contingencies to submarine attacks. After working with them, he brought back a fully operational Watt steam engine. Using this, Robert Fulton invented …show more content…

He also made canal designs that were more efficient. Robert Fulton after making the steamboat was now making trips to New York and Albany. The trips carried light freight and passengers. Later in 1810, his steamboats were commissioned in the Hudson and Raritan rivers and even replaced the horse ferries (horse-powered boats) used for largely travelled waterways. In 1812, Robert Fulton was a member of a commission for the recommended building of the Erie Canal. In New Jersey, he constructed boat works which helped him construct the boats before his death. Even after his death from pneumonia in 1815, steamboats began to replace most boats and even participating in oceanic

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