
Role Models Not Supermodels

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“Role Models Not Supermodels”
Today, young girls are attacked through television screens, and are being bombarded by the media to have the “perfect” and “sexy” look. The media’s portrayal of women is taking over the minds of young girls, giving them an unrealistic standard to hold themselves to. This issue roots itself in young minds and from then on, it has an effect on the growth and development of young girls. This has been a topic up for discussion for many years, and the hyper-sexualization of women in the media will not be stop until women and men are held to the same standards and are portrayed equally and realistically in the media. While many authors have written books and articles on this topic to bring awareness to parents, one major author who has been studying media, gender, and sexuality for more than a decade, was adamant she is ready to end to the hyper-sexualization of girls. Author M. Gigi Durham, PhD states, “In this book, I aim to give parents, educators, media audiences, and advocates the tools to recognize and respond proactively to these myths so that we can work together in the best interests of the girls who look to us for guidance” (12). Durham’s goal is for women to be strong minded role models so young girls can be aware of what is realistic and what is not.
Media is huge in today’s world. Everyone has access to television, internet, books, magazines, social media, newspaper, music, and the list goes on. What can not be seen is the fact that

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