
Role of Women in Shakespeare’s Othello Essay

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Role of Women in Shakespeare’s Othello

In Shakespeare’s Othello, the role of women is greatly emphasized. The important characters of the play, Othello, Iago, and Cassio, each have a women that stands behind him. These women each have an obligation to remain loyal and respect their husband's wishes, especially Desdemona and Emilia.

We see Desdemona as a young beautiful white female, madly in love with a powerful black man. She is strong inside but doesn't tend to show that side of her as much as she would want to. She tends to play the peace-maker in her marriage and is always trying to understand Othello. Throughout the play she struggles to prove her loyalty and respect to her husband, no matter what it takes she tries to be a …show more content…

In her mind a women should never disrespect her husband, or suggest that he is wrong. In her mind when he calls her a "Strumpet", she has to be asking herself why would he call me such a name if it is impossible for a wife to have that title given by her own husband.

That is exactly what she discusses with Emilia while she is waiting for Othello to return to the bedroom. Desdemona can not understand how a women could do that to any man, that was not in her book of marriage. Her innocence, her loyalty cost her to be very close minded, and not accept that a man will believe that a women can in fact be a "strumpet", no matter how loyal she may seem. Emilia knows this is true and tries to make her mistress understand.

Emilia has a similar role in this play, but she not only has an obligation to her husband Iago but she also has to answer to her mistress's powerful husband Othello. Throughout the play she has no choice but to play the role of a good obeying wife and keep what she knows to herself. She knows that she has that obligation to her husband, but she fights with herself because she seems to have a different obligation to her mistress. She has no choice but to go on living her everyday life, even after knowing what Iago was planning. She would not think of questioning him, because she would know the consequences.

Towards the end of the play Emilia becomes so angry with Iago, after all he had just caused Othello to kill his wife and

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