
Romeo And Juliet

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Who is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Be sure to use the text to prove your point. Who is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Throughout the story, there are many people to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence, Capulets, Montagues, and Peter are the ones that are constantly blamed for the death of Romeo and Juliet. There are so many people to blame for the actions of Romeo and Juliet, but Romeo and Juliet are also responsible for their own actions. Friar Laurence plays a big role in this Shakespeare play and is constantly blamed for the death of Romeo and Juliet. The two lovers are constantly going to the Friar to help and to join them in marriage. Juliet has gone to the Firar for so many …show more content…

Peter, is one who can be responsible for Romeo and Juliet falling in love at the very beginning of the story. Peter is a servant from the Capulet side of the family. Capulet gave Peter a list of all the people he wanted to be invited to his party, but Peter could not read, so he had no clue who was on the list. He stumbled across Romeo and asked him for help to read the list. By asking for Romeo’s help, it gave Romeo the information to the party. At this time, before the party, Romeo was in love with Rosaline still. Romeo and Benvolio end up going to the party. Among all the other beautiful ladies in the room, Romeo noticed one in particular. Which was Juliet, the party is where they first met and fell in love, this is also where the story starts to get more and more interesting. Part 2 Paper Rater 4. Shakespeare doesn't idealize Romeo and Juliet. He is careful to remind us that their love is destructive partly because it fails to see life as it really is. Romeo and Juliet do not act with caution, patience, or wisdom. They act on impulse and in haste--and they get bad advice. Answer the following questions for this argument: a. What should Romeo and Juliet have done, instead of what they actually did, at three or more points in the play? b. Could Romeo and Juliet have triumphed--if they'd had good advice? c. Would Mercutio have helped them had he lived? Romeo and Juliet could have done so many things at certain points

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