
Rousseau 's Influence On Politics And Literature

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In history, very few people can actually try to measure up to Rousseau’s impact and influence in education, politics and literature. His political thoughts and ideas contained in the Du Contrat Social is highly unique piece of work that is wide and very influential supplemented by other pieces of work that he later came up with such as Discourse Sur l’origine De L’inegalite and other drafts that he had made of the constitutions for both Poland and Corsica. Generally, Rousseau is seen as a moralist rather than a metaphysician in the sense that he is unavoidable while learning about history and political influence in relation to the French revolution and as well a political theorist. His thoughts are well thought out and begin with the assumption that human beings by nature are good and observations that on the other hand in society we are not good, and that the fall of humanity started happening as a result of social occurrence. These observations were very critical and being reflected in Rousseau’s work, they had a great impact 1.Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, and G D. H. Cole. The Social Contract and Discourses. New York: Dutton, 1959. Print. On the French revolution greatly especially with respect to Rousseau’s views on the social contract. The French revolution was viewed as a great time of change, with most of the historians making changes using their works in the ideas of liberty, the forms of governments, and personal freedoms with widespread knowledge and intense

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