
Royal Family Kids Camp Personal Statement

Decent Essays

When I was a child, I remember people always asking me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Every time I was asked that question I came up with a different answer. As I grew up, though, I began to realize that there was one profession that I always wanted to be: a teacher. I have always loved working with children, and helping them with their studies. Just the opportunity to teach them something that they did not know before is something that I have always enjoyed. There were various events in my life that gave me the desire to become a teacher. During my freshman year of high school, my best friend invited me to volunteer at a camp called Royal Family Kids’ Camp. Royal Family Kids’ Camp is a week-long summer camp for abused and neglected children, even for some children that live in foster homes. No amount of training could prepare me for what I experienced that week, and the challenges that I would face each day. Half of the children that attended Royal Family Kids’ Camp had some form of mental disability or disorder, and many others had behavioral issues. By the time the week was over, I was physically and mentally exhausted from chasing after running children and trying to convince other children that they need to take a shower. Despite the exhaustion, though, I felt slightly energized and I had a desire to continue spending time with …show more content…

I found this job very rewarding, and my excitement for teaching grew. After that, I volunteered to work as a teacher’s assistant for Mrs. Fast, the fifth grade teacher at my school. The experience I had in Mrs. Fast’s classroom had a big impact on me. Mrs. Fast was able to connect to her students, and gave the students every opportunity to succeed. As I worked in her classroom, I began to see what a teacher truly does: and that is to, not only teach, but to also instill a desire to learn in

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