
Russia, The, And Territorial Expanse Of Russia

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The youth, the multiethnic characteristics, and territorial expanse of Russia all make the country an outlier when compared to other countries. Though independent since 1991, Russia has deep historical roots that trace back to Imperial Russia. From Genghis Khan’s great conquers in the thirteenth century (Marks 2009, 36), to the first free presidential elections in the Russian Republic(Marks 2009, 78)—and everything in between, Russia remains a rollercoaster in the modern day. In the manifestation of modern Russia the privileged and corrupt elites, along with the oppressed and disregarded masses greatly influenced the political developments. Peter the Great attempted to Europeanize Russia between 1682-1725 (Marks 2009, 42). Restricting the wealthier class, he demanded the rich to wear westernized clothes, noblemen to shave their beards and send their children to school. However, Peter the Great remained selective in what aspects of the western society he wanted to bring to Russia. Rather than introducing the parliamentary system to Russia, Peter held on tightly to his role as an emperor. The oppression and forced rules and regulations imposed on the wealthier class created a resentment among the traditionalist to which Peter controlled by enforcing police surveillance (Marks 2009, 43). Peter’s first attempt to modernize state administration by creating various political institutions led to an infestation of corruption within the political system. Enraged by the corruption,

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