
Russia, The Motherland, By Russia Essay

Decent Essays

Russia, The Motherland

From its Slavic and Viking past to its famous landmarks today, Russia is a very intriguing country. Many people consider Russia and its people to be hostile. However, that is not true. There are many examples to prove this. Russia has a very interesting past, affectionate culture, and many places to visit.
Russia’s history and language is very fascinating. In 1500 BC, the Slavs traveled through the Steppes into Western Russia and Poland. They settled and lived there for many centuries. In the Ninth Century, the Viking tribe, Rus, was moving inland. They settled and based themselves in Novgorod. Over the years, Russia developed its name from this Viking tribe. In 882, the Rus leader, Oleg, moved from Novgorod to Kiev. Here, Oleg would negotiate a treaty with Byzantine Empire. Into the 10th Century, the Rus still control Kiev, until Vladimir is proclaimed Prince of All of Russia. Vladimir is the first “true” Russian in the history of Russia. Vladimir’s son , Yaroslav, establishes Kiev as the capital of Russia 39 years later. Through many years of prosperity and hard times, the first generations of real Russians begin to develop. Over these years, Moscow begins to prosper, and become the new capital of Russia. Moscow is still the capital of Russia. Many years later, during the intense era of World War II, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) bands together with the Allies to defeat the Fascist Reich. Although, at that time Russia was a

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