
Russian Revolution Research Paper

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If there’s one thing that I have learned about the Russian Revolution so far, it is that the Russian people were hard to please. In just about a year, they managed to overthrow 3 different government systems. Russia shifted their government drastically in just one year. First, getting rid of the Romanovs and with that ending the monarchy, and then ruining the Duma’s attempts at a provisional government under the Bolsheviks, and then being dissatisfied with the leader they had appointed after overthrowing that and then going back to the Bolsheviks at the end of it all. Even after the revolution ended, Russia continued to shift, first going to the Soviet Union under Lenin, and then Communism under Stalin, and then doing away with Communism …show more content…

From the very beginning, relations between the Tsar and his people were fragile, based on a history of bad decisions, famine, and other issues. This all came to a forefront, however, when the Russian military began to lose battle after battle in World War One. This not only terribly disrupted the economy, but it showed to everyone that Russia was no longer a military match for its opponents. And all the while, the Romanovs lived lavishly, seeming not to care that they were living off of the pain and hardship of their people. The Russian people, angry and fed up, decided to revolt. They used food riots, strikes, and war protests, to demonstrate their cause. Eventually, Nicholas II was forced to abdicate, and when grand Duke Michael refused the throne, the Romanov’s family rule came to an end after 300 years of monarchy. The ending of this monarchy changed the way the world sees Russia forever. It could no longer be grouped side by side with places like England, with an ancient and cultural monarchy. Instead, it’s comparable to America for it’s more modern systems and ideas. In short, the abolishment of the monarchy has almost split Russia into two places in people’s minds -- the sparkling ballrooms of times before the people revolted, and the modern, steely government …show more content…

This union made armed demonstrations against the government and a new and quite formidable force was formed, headed by Aleksandr Kerensky. The union then marched to demand that they gain power and thusly exterminate the ruling of the provisional government. After some time the Bolsheviks gave in and supported their cause.
After these events also called the “July Days”, Aleksandr Kerensky cracked down on the Bolsheviks, producing evidence that they had political and financial ties with Germany. Many of them, including Leon Trotsky, were jailed, but Lenin managed to escape and flee to Finland. However, 2 million of the Russian people were still dissatisfied. The continued to riot and by late summer the conditions were just as bad as they were under the Bolshevik influence. “Peace at any price” was their

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