
Safety During Lab

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Safety during an experiment is extremely important. It prevents accidents, injuries and more. There is a lot of equipment that can keep you safe in a lab. Accidents can happen, so it’s best to be prepared. These are some of the rules you should follow. Goggles are useful in physical and chemical experiments. They will protect your eyes from projectile objects and explosions. Also googles have side protectors for chemical experiments. Chemicals in your eye will hurt. Most labs should have a shower for any big chemical spills. There is also an eye rinse station you should use. To use it, just hold open your eyes so the can get water in them. It is very important not to close your eyes while doing this. Labs coats are extremely useful. Most are fire proof which protects your body from fire and possibly …show more content…

A lab should have more than one or two exits, and you need to know where they are. Always use the one closest to you. Also if you’re not too high off the ground then a window in a good escape option. Just break the glass and the screen with a chair. Fire extinguishers are also very important. Since water doesn’t put out all fires, the foam will cut off the oxygen. It is important to know where they are and how to use them. If you are in a class the teacher will use unless he/she tells someone else to do it. Spills are not as bad as the others unless it you are covered in it. Water spills are easy to clean up with a mop. if you don’t know the identity of the spilled liquid ask someone who knows. If chemicals are mixed do not use a towel because it might be dangerous. To handle hot things, use a hot mitt. They are mostly fire proof and will protect your hand. Speaking of hot things, DO NOT throw away a lit match. Either snuff it out and then throw it away , or drop it in a beaker of water. If it still doesn’t go out, don’t worry. It is contained by the beaker. If you fail to contain the fire use the fire

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