
Salem Witch Trials And The Witch Trial

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First of all, I wanted to talk about what Salem Witch Trial is and who are the persons involve in this event. Salem Witch Trials, according to Encyclopedia Britannica is “A series of investigations and persecutions that caused 19 convicted “witches” to be hanged and many other many suspects to be imprisoned in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.” There are many people involve in Salem Witch Trials and I’ll be going to describe their role in this event, followed by the different case studies of witches. Most of the people in Salem are Puritans. Puritans have a different beliefs and lifestyle. They have high expectations in the workforce and in holding back opinions and emotions. Puritans have strong faith in God and they have the faith in the idea of covenants of God, Adam, and Abraham so they have a strict moral code. Some of the Puritans are full covenant members of the church so they are free and have full citizen rights. They believe that everyone who have sinned must be punished and everyone who follows Satan is a witch. Mary and William of Orange is the King and Queen of England issued a new anti-religious charter instead of releasing the old one, combined Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony and others in one. William Bradford was the leader of the Pymouth Rock Colony in 1620 and held the “Harvest Festival” to celebrate their harvests. John Winthrop was a lawyer that found Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 and the governor of City Upon the Hill. Its

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