
Salem Witch Trials: The Salem Witch Trials

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In the late 1600s the notorious Salem witchcraft episode begun. This witch-hunt was very different from what was seen in the New England witch-hunts. The Salem witch-hunts, last longer, jailed more suspects and covered a larger area of land. (Ray page 1). Why was the Salem witch-hunt so different from the previous hunts seen in New England? Benjamin Ray gives multiple reasons in his book Satan and Salem, but one reason seems to stick out of the many reasons, to be a very important role in the explosion of the Salem witch-hunts. The role being, the legal process of the accused witches. The accused witches were put through an unfair legal process. Some were tortured, in many cases the possessed victims were in the courtroom making it an unfair …show more content…

Tituba confession was not only forced out of her, but also was also coerced by her master (Ray 35). Thus, making her trial unfair to her. She did not want to confess, but with her masters threats she had no other choice. One of the big factors used in court during the Salem witch-hunts, was the afflicted girls. The girls who would become “possessed” would be used in most of the witchcraft cases. The afflicted girls would be there in the courtroom in front of everybody. They were used as a tactical advantage against the accused witches. The afflicted girls would be used to gain evidence against the accused witch (Ray 45). The girls were not only used as evidence, but the girls were also used to push accusations of witchcraft on the accused (Godbeer 102-103). The first time this was used was in the Goodwin case. The afflicted girls were in the courtroom and their possessed symptoms were seen in court. Thus, giving evidence that they were being possessed by witchcraft. The afflicted girls would later become master witch hunters. They would be used repeatedly in the courtroom pushing accusations, showing symptoms and providing evidence against the accused witch (Ray 46). One thing that is noted in the book Satan and Salem, is that in each trial afflicted girls would be used in, they resembled the Goodwin girls (Ray 47). The trials the witches went through were unfair to them. They were up against everything. The …show more content…

In the past witch-hunts, if a witch confessed their involvement with witchcraft they would then be found guilty and punished. What is seen in Salem after Tituba’s confession, is if a witch confesses and gives names of other possible witches, they were not punished or charged, but set free (Ray 34). This is completely opposite of what was seen in the New England witch-hunts. As mentioned above Tituba’s confession can be linked to what started everything in Salem. During her confession, she gave up names of other individuals involved in witchcraft. The way a trial would go would be examination, torture, forced confession, more names given. Then the accused witch would be set free of their sins once confessed. What this legal process started was a vicious cycle. The magistrates would bring in an accused witch, force confession and gain more names. This process would be repeatedly used in the witchcraft trials (Ray 118). With system of witches who confessed their involvement in witchcraft being set free, this put a burden on witches who refused to confess their involvement. Mentioned before, in the previous hunts in New England, a witch who confessed was punished, now a witch who confesses is set free. Now in Salem if a witch refused to confess during their trial they were punished and sometimes even put to death (Godbeer 102-105). In 1692 Doarcas Hoar was charged with witchcraft for being able to see into the

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