
Salmonella Of Salmonella And Enteritidis

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Salmonella is a communicable disease that is caused by the salmonella enterica bacterium. There are many types of this bacteria including salmonella Typhimurium and Enteritidis. Salmonella is most common in young children and elderly who have impaired immune systems meaning they are more likely to contract infections. Salmonella is one of the most reported causes of food poisoning in the UK.


All types of salmonella come from the genus Salmonella, the bacteria then gets divided up into categories. The majority of the components in each bacteria are about 95% identical for example E. coli and Salmonella are around 60% identical at the DNA level.

There are 3 main serovars of salmonella; Typhimurium, Typhi and Enteritidis. A serovar is a distinct variation of a bacteria and are classed together based upon their similarities. The distinct types help the scientists create effective treatment to target the certain type of salmonella, which makes the treatment more effective because it distinguishes the exact strain of salmonella to cure it.

Biological structure:

This biological structure of a salmonella bacteria contains; ribosomes, cytoplasm, bacterial flagellum, mesosome, cell wall, and a plasma membrane.
Ribosomes- This is a tiny particle made up from RNA and a large number of proteins found in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes bind to messenger RNA and then synthesises proteins.
Cytoplasm- This is the fluid found within the cell.
Bacterial Flagellum- It is a long hair-like

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