
Same-Sex Marriage

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When most people think of the United States, they have a vision of an “All American Family”. This included a family who owned a large home with a white fence. Inside you would find a flawless housewife, a hard working husband who puts bread on the table, and perfectly groomed caucasian children who can do no harm. Over time, this image has been altered a bit. The children may have darkened a bit and may have no longer been caucasian because of laws passing interracial marriages around the 20th century due to Loving V. Virginia (Melina Patria). By the 1960s, the women’s rights movement was in full motion switching male and female roles drastically(Human right’s watch). The home may have no longer been spacious and big with the stock …show more content…

Speaking of the first amendment, lets take a closer look at what it says. The Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (Nara). Note, the first sentence says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Banning same sex marriage because of religious views, would be a violation of the first amendment, or at least that is interpreted. Would the Bible merely be an interpretation?
Homosexuals know that society frowns upon them harshly, with this knowledge, how would homosexuals be able to grow as people when they constantly have to hide themselves? As Macklemore said in his song Same Love “I would think Hip Hop hates me. Have you read the youtube comments lately?”. Social media is playing a drastic role on what society views as “normal”. As mentioned before, Sally Ride was in the public eye much of the time, however she was not advertising her orientation. Her relationship was put off to the side because at that time, astronauts were not meant to be homosexual. They were meant to be part of that All American Family as explained before. The media hid small details that could have interfered with Sally’s

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