
Sample Mole Lab Answers

Decent Essays

For the Mole lab, my team claimed there was 1,992 beans in the large display jar. The estimate was close but still off by 59 beans. The actual amount of beans in the jar was 2,051. To figure out our estimate we used a beaker of beans to experiment with. We first found the tare weight of the beaker, which was 49.912, and the weight of the beaker with the beans, 95.301. Our next step was the weight ten beans of different sizes and find the average of the beans. We found the average weight of the beans to be .47g. After doing this we then subtracted the weight of beaker with the beans from the tare weight to find the weight of the beans. We found the weight of the beans to be 45.389g. After finding the weight of the beans we dived that by he average weight of our ten beans and got 97 beans in our beaker. When we counted our beans in our beaker, we found it to be 105. We then repeated this test but using the tare …show more content…

The small percent error tells us that our group was not too far off with our method of finding out the number of beans in the jar. Our reason for error would be not having a wide enough range for bean weight. With a small range of bean weight, we were not able to completely calculate the best average for a weight of a bean. This estimate of average bean weight is what caused our estimate to be close but still incorrect. Our method of finding our estimate of beans were like other teams. All the other teams used mass to try and figure out the estimated number. The other teams percent errors were 2.49% , 7.36% and 5.07% most teams found the average weight of their beans sample and used it to determine the number of beans. To continue, one idea for improving our results is instead of using the mass method, use the volume to figure out the number of beans. I would also try and improve our method by using a larger range of single bean weights. This wider range would provide a more accurate average weight of a

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