
Sample Resume : Proper Development And Patterning Of Ommatidia

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Name: Omid Hadj Drawer/Group #: 7
PS ID #: 1235832 Three digit mutant code: 168
BIOL 3311 Fall 2016 Lab Section: 16706 (Th2)
Date: 9/28/2016 TA Instructor Name: Laura Montier

BarH1 is critical for the proper development and patterning of ommatidia in D. melanogaster
Although D. melanogaster is small and relatively inexpensive, its value to the research community and modern medicine is immeasurable. D. melanogaster is a great model organism for researching cellular processes of various diseases because within its genome, almost 70% of the human genome is conserved (Rubin 1988). Due to this similarity, the use of D. melanogaster has led to breakthroughs in the research of cancer, neurological diseases and various other diseases. For example, studying the development of photoreceptors in D. melanogaster eyes led to the identification of the Ras proto-oncogene pathway, which allowed researchers to gain a greater understanding of the signaling pathway and cellular process behind cancer (Tickoo and Russell 2002). Another example of the benefit of D. melanogaster as a model organism is the use of the mutant bang senseless and its known effect on voltage-gated sodium channels may lead to potential treatments for human epilepsy (Parker et al. 2010).
D. melanogaster is also an excellent model organism in studying embryological development due to its aforementioned similarities with the human genome. Certain homeobox genes found in the D. melanogaster

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