
Satire About Drugs

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Many Americans struggle with some sort of addiction. Sadly, since the down fall of the economy is when the addiction rate began to rise. Very few of us may have witnessed a loved one with an addiction or may have had an addiction ourselves. Regardless of the two we all need to stick together as a whole and fight addiction together. My husband and I always used to go to this one diner here in town. The waitress was the nicest and sweetest lady you could ever meet. We eventually became really close and she disclosed to us about her alcoholism she suffered from. Her children wanted nothing to do with her and she worked more hours then she could even count. Watching her through the years we witnessed her get her life together. She recently …show more content…

I feel that if any individual is around drugs alcohol they are more prone to try it and gain an addiction.
2) Marijuana is a 'gateway drug'-The addiction rate for marijuana is lower than that of alcohol, and there is little scientific evidence that it acts as a trigger for harder drugs. While teen marijuana use is not to be encouraged, the real "gateway drug" risk might be from abusing prescription opioids and stimulants, like OxyContin, Vicodin and Adderall, or with inhalant drug use. These have strong addictive properties and more accessible to teens.
A 2010 study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that among 12th graders, 8% abused Vicodin and 5.1% abused OxyContin. Inhalant use peaks in the 8th grade at around 17%, far earlier than all other drugs. (Jaffe, 2012) My view: Personally, I feel that this may have been true a few years ago. Now in 2015 marijuana is not considered as dangerous as other substances. In fact some states are even making medical marijuana legal for health reasons. The people who went to high school with me were into marijuana. Although, they drank and smoked marijuana none of them had the …show more content…

Indeed, for the large majority of people, marijuana is a terminus rather than a so-called gateway drug. New evidence suggests that marijuana can function as an "exit drug" helping people reduce or eliminate their use of more harmful drugs by easing withdrawal symptoms.” (

3) Addiction is for life-This simply isn't true, and it places a huge emotional and psychological burden on recovered addicts. Addiction is a spectrum disorder, like depression, and every person is different. While there are plenty of cases where addicts struggle for years to overcome a drug addiction, many more cases reveal the opposite -- short-term users who manage to put the past behind them and lead normal and productive lives. According to the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, 75% of alcoholics recover without treatment. (Jaffe, 2012)
My view: Sure a lot of individuals suffer from addictions long term. That does not mean everyone will. It all depends on whether or not they receive help. Take my uncle for example he one day broke a blood vessel in his nose and it would not stop bleeding.
He almost died. Apparently the blood vessel broke from all the drugs he did. (that

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