
Satire Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

Decent Essays

Release the Green!
The legalization of marijuana is a controversial issue in North America today. Despite the outstanding benefits of legalizing this drug, we haven't gotten any closer to ending the war on drugs. There are major social, law enforcement and fiscal benefits with very minor drawbacks. Many European countries have proven than legalizing drugs can reap many benefits and we should follow these liberal ideas so we can also enjoy the benefits.

Medicinal marijuana is proven beneficial for cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and more patients. These are some of the most worst diseases on the planet and we have a plant that can help patients in multiple ways but until recently we didn’t legalize this. There's a chemical found in marijuana that stops …show more content…

Long term risks of alcohol include liver disease, heart problems, digestive disorders, neurological disorders, etc. There are no known (and proven) long term effects from marijuana currently to affect humans. There are no known medical uses for consumed alcohol, but marijuana on the other hand has plenty of medical benefits as I listed above.

In 2013 simple pot possession accounted for 67% of every drug crime that police managed to uncover. It’s just common sense that legalizing marijuana would lower the crime rate because there would not be people illegally, growing, selling and most importantly, smoking since 67% of all drug crimes were simply minor possession with intent to use.
Most estimates say the cannabis industry in British Columbia is alone worth $34 billion yearly. That’s about two and a half times the agriculture exports for the entire country. That’s not including the taxation and the other uses for hemp such as paper, clothing, textiles and rope. The government would see a large increase in incoming money to be used on the other social benefits canada

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