
Satire Essay On Social Media Privacy

Decent Essays

Facebook. Instagram. Whatsapp. All which are categorised as social media, which we are all familiar with. Social media has been ingrained into our lives; we use them every day. Without social media, we would be lost for many reasons: It has encompassed both our personal and professional life, as its purposes ranges from using it for work purposes to simply having a chat. However, have we ever stopped and wondered at what cost? Little do we know that social media can be used as a tool to scrutinize our personal lives. We have been lied to about having freedom on social media, the Government has the ability to look at every single thing we are doing on it. This is a purely disgusting act, people deserve their privacy, and taking that away from them is – in the kindest manner- absolutely horrendous. Oh, let me rephrase that. …show more content…

There are many cases which are exemplary of this, take the cold war for instance; the Americans had to take secrets owned by the Russians, (like the designs of weapons like soviet tanks, these were invaluable as it helped them plan future attacks)this then led to the war becoming ‘hot’. If there was no proof of Russia’s intentions, America would have surely been on the brink of a long, abhorrent nuclear exchange. As you can see, the only genuine source of trust in the world is intelligence, and it is only when a country genuinely understands another country’s capabilities and intentions where they can truly gain honourable trust from one another. These simply result in a world with an exceedingly low chance of

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