
Saudi Arabian and Canadian Culture

Decent Essays

I will talk about a topic in the social sciences and the theme that I have chosen from the curriculum goal is: “define the concept of culture and provide examples of how culture, gender roles and family relation varies from place to place and how it change over time". I will have Saudi Arabia and Canada as the focus.
I am going to start by define what Culture means, introduce the countries and talk about the Points in my curriculum goal.
About culture
The concept culture have some difficult meanings. One of them is culture as in music, preforming, theatre and so. The other meaning of it is culture as in Peoples Identity. It tells something about who you are, where you come from, and what you believe in, in this way, we can see that People …show more content…

Gender roles
The men in Saudi Arabia have more rights and power than the women. Men are the ones who have the most influence and the women are the ones who must listen to what the man says. Of course, this is different from man to man but mostly they are all like that.
Every Saudi woman irrespective of her age has a male guardian that protect her and he is like a legal representative to her. Therefore, if she wants to travel, go to university or to get a bankcard, she have to get permission from her male guardian first. This is the reason why they are offended, but because that all the woman’s are like that, they look at it as something normal; they feel protected and not abusive, but some of them are fighting against.
Family relationships
Family is a very important part of their life. The male is the household, they do all the work that have to be done outside and the women belongs to the kitchen and to raise the children. It have always been like this. The sons have to follow their father’s footprint and the daughters have to learn how to be upbringing and manner by their mother. The children were considered to belong to their father and not to their mother. A important part before you can get a Family is to get married With Your families permission for sure, and its not allowed to be in relationships before the marriage, arranged marriage is very popular there.
Canada is a monarchy in North America, the population there is

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