
Saving Private Ryan

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Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg and released in the United States on July 24, 1998, is based during and after the Invasion of Normandy during World War II. The movie starts out with an old man in a cemetery, studying a single grave. The man breaks down in tears, and the screen fades into what is presumably a flashback. Soldiers are mounted upon boats, moving towards a beach’s shore. The men exit the boats, and are thrusted into a battle with the opposing side. There are many casualties, and the scene changes to a woman finding out that three of her four sons have died in battle. She is promised the safe return of her fourth and final son, Private James Ryan. A rescue team is sent out, led by Captain John Miller. The team oscillates between several groups of soldiers until they find Ryan, part of a group of few, guarding a bridge. Ryan refuses to leave his post and fellow soldiers, and the rescue team is forced to stay to protect him. …show more content…

Miller is shot, his dying words being directed at Ryan. Miller states that Ryan deserves to go home, that he has earned it. The flashback ends, and the viewer discovers that the old man is James Ryan, far in the future, and he is observing Captain John Miller’s grave. Ryan says he hopes his life was good enough for Miller to have given up his life to allow Ryan to return home. The movie ends on an American flag swaying in the wind.
Saving Private Ryan’s depiction of the Invasion of Normandy seems fairly accurate, as well as many smaller details, but, as with all movies, there are also many inaccuracies when compared to actual historical

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