
Sawyer Vs Mills Case Study

Decent Essays

Re: Sawyer v. Mills Do you agree with the findings of the Court? Why or why not? Do you agree with the one-year rule? Did Mills act ethically? I agree with the court’s decision in favor of Mills. The case fall under the Statue of Fraud One year rule as it had been 107 months since the oral contract was created. The oral agreement was unenforceable after the time period as it violates the Statute of Fraud. Mrs. Sawyer did not have the agreement in writing; therefore it could not be enforced even though he had paid a little over 13 months in checks. This case is really concerning; both parties understood the importance of having the terms placed in a written contract. I do not agree with the one year rule in regards to this case. Mrs. Sawyer did all in her power to protect herself; she wrote a contract, but Mills refused to sign it. It seems that …show more content…

Mills case had an unfortunate outcome. Sawyer should have been paid for all the idea she had which helped raise profits for Mills firm. What Sawyer lacked was a written contract, and so the case fell under the one year rule. Even though she had been paid for thirteen months beforehand, because there was no written contract she lost out on future payment for her idea. She may have lost a substantial amount of money, but I would have to agree with the court’s decision. There was not a signed contract between the two parties. This made whatever agreement between Sawyer and Mills null and unenforceable. It seems Mills understood this, and deliberately chose to not sign a contact as to make him more money. Mills did not act with Ethics. He chose to profit off the idea of another without compensation. I agree that he ruined the relationship between the two parties. You can imagine after this dilemma Sawyer nor any other employee spoke up offering advice which would be beneficial to the firm. Mills did not see the benefit in keeping his employees happy, and it may have cost him profits in the

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