
Schooling In Modern Day America

Decent Essays

Schooling is one of the biggest contributors to being successful in modern day America. In this modern times there is a major contrast to how it used to be for our parents and grandparents. Technology is advancing in numerous ways allowing for students to learn in new innovative ways, but these advancements have their downfalls with things such as social media. This effects a student’s mental safety with things such as bullying which occur on an everyday basis. Students physical safety is also in jeopardy with gun violence on the rise with examples such as Columbine or Sandy Hook. Finally, students have lost a sense of respect in the class room for their teachers and advisors. Technological advancements, student’s safety and respect students …show more content…

This is especially prominent in the learning experience at the education level. Students are being introduced to various ways to acquire knowledge faster than ever and have programs to learn at their own pace, a good example of the would be the enginuity E2020 program being incorporated in high schools. Students know have all the information they need at their finger tips and can search topics or articles all in hundredths of a second. This is a substantial difference from the times are parents went to school and had to rely on books and articles for information and research. This new technological era is changing the way that students learn all …show more content…

Although technology has increased and this is a massive benefit for learners across the nation is has its downfalls with the increased social media use and what has come from that. The product that has come from social media is bullying and this relates to the safety of students emotionally and physically and not to mention gun violence and outburst that effects student’s safety. The final point of high school in modern times is the lack of respect that students have for their fellow peers and their teachers and administrators. All of these advantages and disadvantages equate to how and why education differs and how it was changed from previous

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