
Script For Us Soviet Space Race Presentation

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Script for US-Soviet Space Race Presentation
“Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle…Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time…That 's why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans” – This quote from the 1970 biopic of General George Patton illustrates the worldview of Americans during and immediately following World War II. When the new battle of the Cold War began, the Soviet Union became our new enemy, to be absolutely and utterly defeated by any means necessary. Not only was each advancement by the U.S. a victory, but each one by the USSR was implicitly a failure. This mindset culminated in the U.S.-Soviet Space race, a struggle to obliterate the other side technologically while leaving no room for collaboration. This presentation seeks to explain the history of the event, as well as the positive and negative effects of the competitive factor.
To briefly roadmap how this presentation will proceed, I will first explain the contributing factors that went into starting the conflict, followed by how it began. Then, I will follow by highlighting some major accomplishments from both sides. From there, I will explain the media’s take on the events as they unfolded, how the race ended, and finally conclude with an analysis of how the race positively and negatively impacted the world.
So, I’ve already explained why

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