
Security And Control Of Privacy

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In today’s world where the technology is at the forefront of our day-to-day lives, we engage in a myriad of social, economic and political transactions and interactions through cyberspace.
In 2013, the human race produced over 28 million gigabytes of data everyday with 90% of the data currently in existence was generated in the last two years according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australians are considered to be one of the most connected peoples in the world. As human beings we value our privacy and the protection of our personal information. Security and control over accesses to our information is thus paramount. Advancements in technology in the 21st century has threatened that security and decreased our control of privacy.
As the technology that governs our lives everyday improves in quality and quantity, so does the risks upon our information privacy. In other words, this very technology that enables us to engage online in different forms across a global scale ultimately also makes our risks of private information being exposed to unauthorized individuals of large concern for both individuals and organisations.
The main areas of focus in this research paper will be the use of personal data and the protection of it, cookies and how the internet has opened up risks for breach of information privacy.
What is information privacy?
“Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent

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