
Seed Germination Lab

Decent Essays

Syed Rizvi
Mitra Asgari
BIO 1500, Section 14
February 28, 2017

Seed Germination Lab Report
As the weather gets warmer, and with spring being just around the corner, many gardeners and farmers are getting prepared to gather materials that they will use to grow their plants this year. One of these materials could be the usage of a synthetic fertilizer, like Miracle Gro, to speed up the growth rate of the plant. As these types of fertilizers become more popular, anyone who may be new to the field of agricultural growth may question on whether or not synthetic fertilizers, like Miracle Gro, actually help in speeding up a seed’s growth rate. This lab will help to determine an answer by looking at types of seeds and how they react with and without Miracle Gro. The two types of seeds that will be used in this experiment are known as monocot and dicot. Monocots and dicots mainly differ in their structural make and their germination process. Monocots, only give sprout …show more content…

Over the 7 day period, the graph effectively shows that the barley treated by the Miracle Gro germinated at a much higher rate than the water only treatment. Having a ratio of 1:2, 1:3, and 1:2 with its respective days, it displays how effective the fertilizer was in germinating the seed. The average shoot length between the two treatments are similar in results to the percent of seeds germinated. The seeds treated by the Miracle Gro resulted in a higher shoot and root average. The ratios, when the two treatments are put side by side, display similar ratios as well, showing a 1:2 ratio. Overall it can be stated however that even though there were many seeds, from both treatments, that germinated, the Miracle Gro treatment showed a more affluent result as the treatment actually grew significantly compared to the water treatment.

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