
Self-Care : The Importance Of Self Care In Nursing

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Self care is essential to the nursing profession because it is a reflection on the quality of health care nurses provide to their patients, it portrays an image to the patients on what’s necessary towards healthy living and can help nurses battle with stress and personal health. Self care can be expressed as taking care of ones self’s health and overall wellbeing. This can be shown through eating healthy, exercising daily, getting enough sleep and completing weekly activities to reduce stress. Improving your overall health can benefit nurses from overworking themselves and help minimize the affects certain stressors can have on them. By doing so, the overall atmosphere in the workplace and the quality of healthcare provided to the patients will be greatly improved. Nurses spend most of their time taking care of their patients that they forget to be mindful of their own wellbeing. It is very important for nurses to take care of themselves because it is reflected through the care they provide to their patients. Sleep deprivation can increase the chances of a nurse miscalculating a dosage, which can be fatal to a patient’s life or injure themselves by forgetting proper body mechanics. Not having enough sleep and overworking themselves can be the cause for this simple mistake that could have been avoided through self-care. Having at least 8 hours a sleep a night is just one of the few ways a nurse can manage healthy living. A nurse’s work schedule can consists of mainly over

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