
Self Determination Theory : The Theory Of Motivation

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The self-determination theory is the general theory of motivation that states people need to feel autonomous and in control of the decisions they make for themselves about themselves. Our objective within this report is to show that by allowing individuals to make the decision for behavior change, there is a greater probability of long term success for that change than if the decision is made from an outside source. We examined several studies that used the self-determination theory to motivate change for improved health. We then looked at how successful those studies were in creating change long term.
The self-determination theory uses goal-directed behaviors but it makes distinctions between the content of the goals and the regulatory processes through which the outcomes are reached. It also uses the notion of innate psychological needs as the basis for this differentiation. The theory is based off of people’s instinctive motivation towards competence, autonomy, and relatedness.1 Individuals have these basic tendencies and once these needs are fulfilled, the theory suggests that they can reach their full potential for growth and development. Ongoing satisfaction of basic tendencies and support from the social environment are both required to function effectively.2
There are two different types of motivation that the theory encompasses: autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. Autonomous motivation is when individuals choose a behavior due to the fact that

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