
Self Efficacy In The Book Thief

Decent Essays

“Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution of the matter”-unknown. This quote is true we need to accept that we are the cause and we need to also accept that we are Imperative to find out the solution to the matter at hand. Without Self-Efficacy we could not be able to do this. We would be able to accept Responsibility but then we could never be able to truly accept that we can change we can be the solution that we can make the difference. Self-Efficacy plays a major role on how we can advance in life or how we approach a challenge.
To start out we will talk about Spider Man. A struggling teenager who had been bite by a radioactive spider. He was so shocked and surprised as well as flabbergasted. When his uncle ben was killed by a burglar which peter accepts responsibility for him dying cause he would of never been there if it was not for him wanting to go to that fight. So he took personal responsibility and train using his newfound powers vowing to put Cash Register Thief (later known as sandman) behind bars like he should of in the first place when peter saw him robbing the convenience store. He struggles through trying to find him but his self-efficacy helps him through life because he believes …show more content…

Never giving up even if the Enemy was himself or even bigger or himself but bigger. He still pushed on saving people and sometimes losing himself. He shows that you do not have to be anything to be amazing and that every problem can be solved no matter how big or small. For example he was able to make web shooters when he could not produce them any more or as big as when he faced on saving his best friend his crush and a bus full of people. Sometimes even speedy trains that are going to fast he saves everyone because he believed he could do it and even if he could not he tried he pushed his body to the limit trying to save the bullet train from killing the humans

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